FM WhatsApp Download(FMWA)fouad APK Latest Version(v10.00)

FMWA provides extraordinary features including customizable themes, hide online status, anti-delete message, chat lock, hide view status, Last-seen freeze, showing blue Ticks After reply, Two account log-in, and Auto reply, giving you more control, flexibility, and a personalized experience.

FM WhatsApp Rating

App Name

FM Whatsapp




76.2 MB

Last Updated


Operating System

Android 5.0+


#1 WhatsApp MOD

WhatsApp is a highly popular communication messaging app used globally to get updated. Simple WhatsApp can’t provide unique features such as multiple log-ins, privacy options, schedule messaging, customized themes, hide view, and online status. But FM WhatsApp, a modified version of Simple WhatsApp, provides all these and other unique features.


Fouad Mokdad





Anti Ban


Fixed Bugs




FMWA offers many features such as custom privacy, Last-seen freeze, groups and chat locks, anti-delete status, and an eye-catching theme which simple WhatsApp doesn’t provide its users. The latest version provides separate multiple accounts log-in on Android which can be downloaded here.

FM WhatsApp APK Overview

What is FM WhatsApp APK? logo

It is a modified version of the instant messaging app, WhatsApp, developed by Fouad Mokdad (that’s why it is also named Fouad WhatsApp). It’s developed to enhance the user experience by offering unique features and more security. It has many Top unique features with customization options which are still missing in standard WhatsApp. It provides its users with a unique messaging experience.

There are many Mods of WhatsApp available but FM WhatsApp is the top-rated MOD of WhatsApp due to its credibility and the trust of millions of users. It offers many unique and demanded features such as two log-ins, large media file sharing, customizable themes, and custom privacy options. It is not available on the Play Store but can be downloaded from a trusted source.

Why Choose FM WhatsApp APK Over Other Mods?

It is obvious many MODs of WhatsApp are available to use as an alternative to the original WhatsApp. However, some MODS are not updated regularly so they are missing the latest addition of features. Some Mods applications don’t work on every Android operating system. FM WhatsApp is regularly updated and works on every Android. That’s why it (Fouad WhatsApp) is so popular among users and developers.

FM whatsapp download

How to FM WhatsApp Download And Install?

FM WhatsApp is a third-party app that is not available on the Play Store or other App Store. You can download it from a free trusted source as our website. To download follow these steps:

  • Back up your data from official WhatsApp if needed. Uninstalling the original WhatsApp is not compulsory
  • Go and search on Google FM WhatsApp and download its file.
  • After downloading click on the file then allow installation from an unknown source.
  • Click on Install and wait until installation complete seen on the screen.

Step 1

After downloading the FM Whatsapp, the next step is to open the downloaded file. When you open it the screen appears on your mobile as shown in the picture here. click on Install and proceed.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 2

Now installation is started as shown in the picture. don’t click the option ” cancel” until it is fully completed.

Step 3

Installation of FMWA is completed now as shown in the picture. To proceed click ”open” and verify your phone number to use it.

Step 3

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Step 4

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Step 4

After complete installation, two options appear, if you want to backup your data then click on ”Restore Backup” otherwise click on ”Agree and continue” and verify your phone number.

Congratulations, you have installed FM WhatsApp and login to your account by verifying your phone number. You can use two separate accounts on it. Now you can enjoy all the top unique features of it.

How to Update FM WhatsApp? (Fouad WA)

Fouad WhatsApp continuously updated to meet user demand. whenever a new feature is added or some issues have been fixed by the developer an update is required. When an update is necessary you get a notification on WhatsApp screen, click on that and follow the steps to get an updated version. You can follow the download step to update to the new latest version of FM WhatsApp.

Top Unique Feature of FM WhatsApp

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Customization Options

FM WhatsApp offers a lot of customization options such as a change of themes, fonts, a separate chat lock, and a change of the app’s icon. You can also customize your voice frequency and many more.

Enhanced privacy Setting

FMWA privacy setting
FM WA Dual account

Dual Account Support

Hide View Status

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Fouad WA increase Media sharing

Increase Media File Sharing 

In the original WhatsApp, the users are restricted to sending large-size files to everyone. It doesn’t allow you to send a large number of photos, videos, and documents simultaneously. However, it allows you to send larger-size files, videos, and a lot of photos with sizes of more than 1GB without any restriction.

Unique Multiple Emojis

Communication through emojis is very common in messaging apps and people love to use it. Simple WhatsApp provides only a limited number of emojis but Fouad WA has a wide range of animated and other emojis.

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Customizable Themes

Standard WhatsApp provides only a simple theme that does not attract the user. Contrary to this, FM WhatsApp provides a lot of eye-catching themes with different colors and fonts. All these themes are customizable, so users can customize them as they want to show their themes.

Antiban And Security

Users can be banned while using simple WhatsApp due to not following the terms and conditions. But this feature allows users to avoid from banned while doing business and communicating with people. This feature provides complete safety and security for users.

Security antiban by FMWA
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Anti-delete Messages Feature

 This feature helps you read the deleted messages sent by someone to you because, when a message is sent to you, it is unconditionally saved on the system. After deleting the message from the sender, it will not deleted for you. You will receive the message as it was sent from someone.


Through this feature, you can reply to everyone without being active or online. For this, you have to save a message in a feature setting that will be auto-reply to those you send a message to you when you are busy or not willing to reply.

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 App Lock For Security

 This feature allows you to increase your security by locking WhatsApp via pin code or pattern lock. You can also use your fingerprint to secure your app, and personal chat, even you can lock group chat through this feature.

 Message Schedule Feature

It is a hugely popular feature in FM WA, through which you can send a specific message by scheduling a definite time. Users have to save the messages, timing schedule, and receiver number. You can send a lot of messages to many people daily, without typing the message again and again. 

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 Regular Updates 

With this feature, you can update your FM WhatsApp regularly whenever a new latest version arrives. Usually, updates are required when a new feature is added or some glitches are resolved when needed. 

Show Blue Ticks After You Reply

 In official WhatsApp, when a user sees a message a blue tick appears on the sender side that you have seen his message. This feature helps you to hide the Blue tick before a reply it only allows you to show the blue tick after your reply.

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FM WhatsApp Old Version

 FM WhatsApp is the only MOD of WhatsApp that has continuously been updated by the developer. Many updates are available till now and many users are very familiar to use with the fouad WA old version. Some recent old versions are given below:

Is FM WhatsApp APK Safe To Use?

Many users are concerned about the safety of FM WhatsApp as many MODs are available that fail to provide safety and privacy. However, Fouad WA was developed by a top professional developer, Fouad Mokdad, that provides safety and privacy to its users. It is used by millions of people around the globe due to its professionalism and credibility among users and developers.

Comparison Between FM WhatsApp & Official WhatsApp

  Pros and Cons Of FM WhatsApp

   It is used by millions due to its extraordinary features but there are some Pros and Cons of it that can’t be ignored.


  Its anti-delete feature forbids the recipient to delete sent messages. It means you can read the message after the sender deletes it before seeing it.

  It allows users to schedule the messages. you don’t need to write a specific time.

  It has a feature through which you can auto-reply.

  Users can hide their online status and typing status.


  Your deleted message will not be deleted for the receiver. They will see your message even though you deleted it before they’re seen and you can see their’s.

The biggest Cons of this app is that the developer can see your activity.

Users face a slightly lower speed experience.

  All functions work Slightly lower than the official App.

Final Observation

FM WhatsApp APK is a modified version of WhatsApp with a wide range of useful and unique features that are missing in the original WhatsApp. It is safer and easier to use than many other mods. This App Provides users with instant extraordinary messages and useful features experience. That’s why most of the people prefer to use it over other ordinary mods.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, it is safe to use as it provides privacy and security.

Yes, it is safe and possible to use FM WhatsApp and simple WhatsApp simultaneously.

No, as it is a modified version, can be downloaded from a trusted source rather than the Play Store.

Usually when a new feature is added or fixed a glitch in App.